Server: e1d interface 0 icE1usb usb-serial dc60c8b40b614934 line 0 mode e1oip octoi-server local-bind 10011 account tdm01pon1 mode ice1usb ice1usb serial-number dc60c8b40b614934 ice1usb line-number 0 Client: e1d interface 0 icE1usb usb-serial dc60c8b40b39692d line 0 mode e1oip octoi-client 10011 local-bind 3333 account tdm01pon1 mode ice1usb ice1usb serial-number dc60c8b40b39692d ice1usb line-number 0 From server: osmo-e1d> show octoi-server OCTOI Server Socket on Peer 'tdm01pon1', Remote, State ACCEPTED Counters for E1oIP line: Frames underrun / slipped in IP->E1 direction: 0 (0/s 0/m 0/h 0/d) Frames substituted in E1->IP direction: 0 (0/s 0/m 0/h 0/d) Frames overflowing the RIFO in IP->E1 direction: 0 (0/s 0/m 0/h 0/d) Frames overflowed in E1->IP direction: 0 (0/s 0/m 0/h 0/d) Packets out-of-order in IP->E1 direction: 0 (0/s 0/m 0/h 0/d) Packets out-of-rx-window in IP->E1 direction: 0 (0/s 0/m 0/h 0/d) OCTOI connections entering accepted state: 1 (0/s 0/m 1/h 0/d) Number of bytes received including UDP+IP header: 3462237 (9250/s 555396/m 2320957/h 0/d) Number of UDP packets received: 93553 (250/s 15012/m 62705/h 0/d) Number of bytes transmitted including UDP+IP header: 3278706 (8750/s 525868/m 2198068/h 0/d) Number of UDP packets transmitted: 93486 (250/s 15000/m 62662/h 0/d) Stat items for E1oIP line: Round Trip Time (in us): 32023 E1 originated FIFO level: 16 E1 terminated FIFO level: 200 E1 timeslots active in E1->IP direction: 0 E1 timeslots active in IP->E1 direction: 0 Account 'tdm01pon1': Mode=ice1usb, Batching=32, Prefill=200 osmo-e1d> sho osmo-e1d> show li osmo-e1d> show line Interface #0 (dc60c8b40b614934), Line #0, Mode E1OIP: Counters for each line in e1d: Rx Signal Lost: 4 (0/s 0/m 0/h 0/d) Rx Alignment Lost: 2 (0/s 0/m 0/h 0/d) E1 Rx CRC Errors: 0 (0/s 0/m 0/h 0/d) E1 Rx Overflow: 0 (0/s 0/m 0/h 0/d) E1 Tx Underflow: 0 (0/s 0/m 0/h 0/d) Rx Frames Reporting Remote CRC Error: 0 (0/s 0/m 0/h 0/d) Rx Frames Reporting Remote Alarm: 0 (0/s 0/m 0/h 0/d) E1 Tx Frames multiplexed: 116241023 (8000/s 480000/m 28800047/h 0/d) E1 Rx Frames demultiplexed: 43340040 (8000/s 480000/m 28799880/h 0/d) USB ISO packets truncated: 0 (0/s 0/m 0/h 0/d) osmo-e1d>