Product Navigator

Collection Discovery Service


Welcome to the GEONETCast Product Navigator

By searching with the Product Navigator, information can be found on products disseminated via GEONETCast. The range of products available include disciplines related to meteorology, climate, environment, atmosphere, oceans and land surface monitoring and cover many of the nine GEO Societal Benefit Areas.

Each product is presented with a short description and a range of important information such as product provider, spatial coverage, type of GEONETCast broadcast, dissemination frequency, typical file formats and examples of file naming conventions. Links are provided to more information on the product itself.

It is possible to do a simple search by entering a search term in the search box, or do a more advanced search using the dropdown menus to filter your options.

GEONETCast is a global system uniting regional information dissemination systems broadcasting directly to users: the EUMETCast system (EUMETSAT) operates over Europe, Africa and part of the Americas, FengYunCast (Chinese Meteorological Administration) serves Asia and part of the Pacific, and GEONETCast Americas (the United States National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)) broadcasts to North, Central, and South America.

GEONETCast is a task in the Group on Earth Observation (GEO) workplan to realize the Global Earth Observing System of Systems (GEOSS).

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