All the configuration are made with this in mind: 0039 as Italy dialing code 02 as Milan area code XXXX 4 digits subscriber + XXX 3 digits DID Location: Datacenter Lab PC Device: Cisco 2821 E1 tandem 0039 + 02 + ---- + | Serial0/0/0:15 + 2000XXX => Routing to Leo's home via icE1usb/line 1 Serial0/0/1:15 + 1000XXX => Routing to commander 2 lab Serial0/1/0:15 + 4000 + 4000XXX => MAX 2000 Serial0/1/1:15 + Routing to 0049 + 30 via icE1usb/line 0 | Module 2 allocated to further E1 Mutiflex BRI0/3/0 + 3001 => Test only NT/TE BRI0/3/1 + 3002 => Test only NT/TE allocated for PSTN usage via Patton/SIP Asterisk SBC and C*NET Internal Cisco + 5000 => FAX to mail Device: Cisco 2901 E1 tandem Serial0/0/0:15 + Disconnected Serial0/0/1:15 + Disconnected BRI0/3/0 + Disconnected BRI0/3/1 + Disconnected Device: Commander Basic 2 0039 + 02 + 1000 + | S0 Slot A/5 + 122 => LANCOM 1700 | LANCAPI Win NT4 S0 Slot A/6 + 123 => LAB Phone S0 Slot A/7 + 124 => Cisco 1800 S0 Slot A/8 + 125 => Gigaset Base | a/b Slot E/1 + 131 => Multitech V.92 Modem E/2 + 132 => LAB Phone Location: Leo's Home Device: Commander Basic 2 0039 + 02 + 2000 + | S0 Slot A/5 + 222 => Phone A/6 + 223 => Elsa 1100 Office A/7 + 224 => Zyxel 202H A/8 + 225 => Gigaset Base | a/b Slot E/1 + 231 => GeoPort E/2 + 232 => 56k USR Modem E/3 + 233 => Thinkpad E/4 + 234 => Rotary Analog E/5 + 235 => Rotary Analog E/6 + 236 => USB 56k Modem Raspberry E/7 + 237 => E/8 + 238 =>